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Professional plumber staff

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Professional plumber staff

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What are the common causes of blocked drains?
Common causes of blocked drains include accumulation of hair, grease, and food residue, intrusion of tree roots into pipes, and accumulation of foreign objects like wipes or sanitary products. Improper disposal of items such as cooking oil down the drain can also lead to blockages. Additionally, sediment buildup and structural defects in pipes contribute to drain blockages.
To prevent drain blockages, regularly flush drains with hot water and vinegar, avoid dumping grease or large food particles, and use drain screens to catch debris.
  • Slow drainage in sinks, tubs, or showers.
  • Gurgling noises coming from drains.
  • Foul odors emanating from drains or plumbing fixtures.
Several methods can be employed to clear blocked drains in a house. One common approach is to use a plunger, which creates suction to dislodge the blockage. Chemical drain cleaners can also be effective, although they should be used with caution and according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Mechanical methods such as drain snakes or augers can physically break up or remove the blockage. Hydro-jetting, which involves using high-pressure water to flush out debris, is another option for more stubborn blockages. In severe cases or when DIY methods fail, professional plumbers may use specialized equipment like drain cameras to locate and remove the blockage efficiently.
Many plumbing companies do offer guarantees or warranties on their services, which may include guarantees on the effectiveness of the drain clearing, guarantees on the quality of workmanship, or warranties on parts and labor. These guarantees can vary depending on the company and the specific terms outlined in their service agreements.

Trusted & highly rated Blocked Drain Specialists

Trusted & highly rated Blocked Drain Specialists

Servicing Gold Coast Suburbs