Blocked Drain Camera Inspection

What Is Blocked Drain Camera Inspection and How Does It Work?

Blocked Drain Camera Inspections

Blocked drains are a common plumbing issue that can cause a lot of inconveniences and damage to property. While traditional methods of clearing blockages such as plungers and drain snakes can work, they may not always be effective in identifying the root cause of the problem. That’s where a blocked drain camera inspection comes in. In this blog, we’ll discuss what a blocked drain camera inspection is and how it works.

What is a blocked drain camera inspection?

A blocked drain camera inspection is a plumbing technique that involves the use of a camera to inspect the inside of a blocked drain. The camera is attached to a flexible rod that can be inserted into the drain to capture images of the inside of the pipe. The images are transmitted to a monitor where a plumber can view them in real-time.

blocked drain camera inspections

How does it work?

A blocked drain camera inspection involves the following steps:

Initial assessment

The first step in a blocked drain camera inspection is to assess the nature and severity of the blockage. The plumber will examine the drain to determine the location and extent of the blockage. This assessment will help the plumber decide on the best approach to clearing the blockage.

Camera insertion

Once the assessment is complete, the plumber will insert a flexible rod with a camera attached to it into the drain. The camera will be connected to a monitor that will display the images captured by the camera in real-time.

Blocked Drain Camera Inspections

As the camera moves through the drain, it captures images of the inside of the pipe. The plumber can use these images to identify the cause of the blockage, such as a buildup of grease or debris, tree roots, or a collapsed pipe.


Problem identification

Based on the images captured by the camera, the plumber can identify the cause of the blockage and determine the best course of action to clear the blockage. If the blockage is caused by a buildup of grease or debris, the plumber may recommend using high-pressure water jetting to clear the blockage. If the blockage is caused by tree roots or a collapsed pipe, the plumber may recommend excavation to repair or replace the damaged pipe.

Report and solution

Once the inspection is complete, the plumber will provide a report on the findings and recommend a solution to clear the blockage. The report may include images of the inside of the pipe, the cause of the blockage, and the recommended solution.

Benefits of blocked drain camera inspection

There are several benefits to using a blocked drain camera inspection, including:

Accurate diagnosis

A blocked drain camera inspection provides an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the blockage. This allows the plumber to determine the best course of action to clear the blockage and prevent it from happening again in the future.


A blocked drain camera inspection is a cost-effective way of identifying and resolving plumbing issues. It eliminates the need for guesswork, which can lead to costly and unnecessary repairs.


A blocked drain camera inspection is a time-saving way of identifying and resolving plumbing issues. It allows the plumber to quickly identify the cause of the blockage and determine the best course of action to clear it.

Preventative maintenance

A blocked drain camera inspection can also be used as a preventative maintenance tool. Regular inspections can identify potential issues before they become major problems, saving homeowners money and inconvenience in the long run.


A blocked drain camera inspection is an effective way of identifying the cause of a blocked drain and determining the best course of action to clear it. It is a cost-effective and time-saving way of resolving plumbing issues and can also be used as a preventative maintenance tool. If you’re experiencing a blocked drain, consider a camera inspection to accurately diagnose the issue and prevent it from happening again in the future.

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